Wednesday, 18 December 2013

OPT Christmas Concert 2013

288 Marion St.
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 231-3094

Participants at Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. had the opportunity to showcase their talents at the annual Christmas concert December 13, 2013.

OPT day program offers enhanced music activities and instruction throughout the year. This is a chance to demonstrate growing abilities.

For more information about Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. please visit our main website.

Monday, 9 December 2013

OPT Snowflake Ball

288 Marion St.
Winnipeg, MB
The Holiday Season brings about numerous events for Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. and its members. The day program held its Snowflake Ball Dance on Friday December 6, 2013 at Champlain Community Centre.

Michel at the centre of things

Participants enjoy these events while improving social skills. OPT's membership now looks forward to the annual Christmas concert later this month.
Wendy and Arman
For more information about Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. please visit our main website.