Thursday, 30 April 2015

Spring Auto Maintenance

288 Marion St.
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 231-3094
Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc.'s auto maintenance crew is working hard to keep the vans clean this Spring. Some extra attention is needed to remove any winter grime that may have built up over the last few months.

OPT has five vans and one passenger car in its fleet. Day program participants wash each during weekly auto maintenance programming.

For more information about Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. please visit our main website.

Friday, 24 April 2015

CV Idol Auditions 2015

288 Marion St.
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 231-3094

Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. was well represented at the 2015 CV Idol auditions on April 24.  Day program participants practiced for months to prepare for the singing competition.

Sam, Michel, Christine, Lorraine, Emalee and Kiara were among those receiving Golden Tickets.

Performers with Golden Tickets move on to the CV Idol finale in May.

OPT's auditions are posted on our Youtube channel. Click here for the entire playlist.

For more information about Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. please visit our main website.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Spring Cleanup

288 Marion St.
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 231-3094

Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. does its part to help the community. Day program participants are working on community cleanup projects this spring.
OPT members pick up litter on daily walks after lunch.

For more information about Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. please visit our main website.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Music Therapy

288 Marion St.
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 231-3094

Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. provides day program participants with opportunities for creative expression. Music therapy programming goes Tuesday mornings.

Participants sing, play instruments and interact as part of the activity.

For more information about Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. please visit our main website.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

OPT Media Youtube Channel

288 Marion St.
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 231-3094

Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. has launched a Youtube Channel to compliment its Media program.  OPT Media participants will plan, prepare and film video projects to document OPT outings and events.

OPT's Media Group is learning about "TV Magic". Upcoming videos will feature some of the tricks TV and movies use to make the impossible seem possible on screen.

For more information about Options, Pathways and Transitions Inc. please visit our main website.